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  • raywatters

Your Approach.

Good campervan morning . A coolish start after yesterdays sunshine, the usual blanket of white cloud above me and the wind announces itself with a shimmering breeze in the trees. A solitary blackbird in the Ash, I am wondering if it’s the same one as before I departed, sings its song. Far off wood pigeon, cockerel and nearby sparrows and robins also on the air. An important part of my morning routine is to listen and as Wald Wassermann says :

“ Be like the birdlistener who has no need to interpret what the birds have to say but who is simply content that the birds have their say.”

An orchestra having their say. An important part of the early morning grounding, just listening to birdsong and picking it out from the usual suburban hubbub. A neighbour has lost their electricity, so the local power company have set up a generator. The net result of which is at times it’s like being at a festival site. So there is a new low level hum to contend with. Once heard, the eyes try to see, not often easy in the full lushness of summer. A few great tits dance around branch tips, a silent magpie in the tall branches of the oak. A flight of 12 geese honk their way across the sky above me, their impending arrival heard before they swing over head and honk away into the distance, in a gentle line, wings beating in unison, as one. The campervan morning routine. John O’Donohue wrote :

“ What you encounter, recognize or discover depends to a large degree on the quality of your approach. Many of the ancient cultures practiced careful rituals of approach. An encounter of depth and spirit was preceded by careful preparation.”

This mornings approach to the day is part of my careful preparation. My quality of approach to every morning is one of openness and senses tingling and working to pull out every experience that swims around me. The depth of my experience every morning depends on my approach to these first few minutes. It’s always rich and rewarding. The trick is to carry on into the day, the quality of my approach, to people, situations and experiences. Maybe shaking up that part of me will bring the same rewards as the early morning campervan experience. So today and moving forward is about the quality of approach. Lovely days people.

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny.” John O’Donohue.

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