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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Yesterdays walk with me...

Another damp rainy campervan morning. A wander outside to take it in and then back inside before getting too wet. The wind is blowing and has a howl to it has it passes through the trees, hedges, bushes and fences, accentuating the bleak start to the day, driving the rain on. The cloud once again is solid, dark and heavy. A few birds are making the best of the situation, but it really is a damp and persistent start to the day. The noises are just that of rain and wind. The year winding itself up to leave us in a mash -up of weather. The last few days have been around, as I have written before, reflection and starting to build for next year. To give myself a sense of direction and something to build on. Many of you know that I don’t as a rule do resolutions, I select a word that encapsulates my process moving forward. The year that has gone by has been one of ups and downs as it as been for all. I am stunned at the decline of the country over this year into factionalised hatred, stocked by some truly dreadful people, given the oxygen of our dreadful media to spread it. It has been a true horror show. I find myself grateful to be connected to people who feel the same and are about change. I try and stay away from politics in these meanderings, god knows there is enough of it around, but no round up of my year could really ignore the utter carnage that has been created. I have lost too many friends, colleagues, ex-colleagues, teachers and inspirational people this year, which must just be the age I have reached. However for me in all of this loss, there are seeds of hope and direction. The past is the fuel for the future. I have used this Kierkegaard quite before :

“ Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

This year of all years it feels even more relevant and more important to live going forward. The urge to experience people and the world and to be part of the change. Lovely days people.

“ My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder.”

William Golding.

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