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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Words Don't Come Easy.

Grey damp and lush this campervan morning, rain on the air, on the pathways and grass verges. It’s not constant or in anyway heavy, but it’s there now and again, gently falling on the air. It floats on the breeze around me, but the oak is up to the task. The sounds of leaves, wind on the air and far off cockerels and a Robin again, who seems to be hanging around a bit at the moment, which is very welcome after a dearth of bird life for what felt like an age. A couple of magpies on roof tops stand in silence, crows sit atop chimney pots preening themselves in the light rain. It’s relatively quiet for a Monday. Morning light has that watery feel and edge to it, and the air feels damp on the chest and lungs. The weekend has closed and the week ahead is about to unveil itself. More busyness ahead, so sitting in light early morning rain is a relatively welcome opening to the day. Contemplating the week ahead whilst staying in the moment. The rain worsens and the soundtrack of the morning shifts to its constant beating on leaves, tree and floor. For the first time in an age a pair of blue tits arrive and flit through branch and leaf on the breakfast hunt. I have mentioned this before, but I am a great fan of the essayist Maria Popova and subscribe to her truly magnificent website and weekly newsletter ‘ The Marginalian’. I would encourage you to do likewise. She is a treasure trove of insight, books, art and thought and weaves varying threads together exploring the depths and heights of her topics and is a constant source of thought and inspiration. This morning for me there is an abject failure to find inspiration, so just sitting and taking in the sounds, sights and smells around me. So a sense of being ok with a lack of inspiration and just being. So contemplating where the block is this morning too. I came across this quote :

“ When words don't come easy, I make do with silence and find something in nothing."

And that’s kind of where I am at this morning. Though not so much making do with silence, but with the sounds of nature and finding words in nature. Lovely days people.

“ You can't rush crazy, crazy has its own schedule.” Angus Curran.

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