The horizon is on fire this campervan morning. One of deepest pink, it dominates the light, high thinning cirrus cloud caught in its glow give off a pink haze. The relative clear sky awash with colour. It’s busy once more with the debris of modernity grinding its wheels. A few starlings scattered around the ash, a few crows flop across the sky. Birdsong that I don’t recognise, a blackbird darts in and out, a solitary blue tit, which seems unusual as they are usually in pairs or fours, though there is a nest nearby. The noise from passing planes spills into the soundscape. Activity a plenty this morning. It’s not particularly cold, a chill, but no frost. Reflecting on yesterdays drumming and contemplating the day ahead. My head is quite empty this morning ( Nothing unusual about that ) a list of jobs rattles around inside, none of them important, but all taking up space. Attempting to put them to one-side and appreciate the morning. Not as easy as it seems today for some reason. The perennial struggle between being and doing. I was in a deep conversation with a dear friend around delayed gratification and the story we were told at school about good jobs, working hard and enjoying later life. Absurd really that that conversation sits with me still. It’s taken a good few years to undo all of that and cultivate where I am now and be comfortable with being rather than doing. It feels a wee bit muddled, but I’m comfortable with that to. I sense today is about being comfortable with what is and going with what is. Lovely days people.
“ It is what it is because you let it be so.” Suzy Kassem.
