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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Top Ten Reads of 2022.

My top ten reads of 2022, in no particular order. The books were not published in 2022, but purchased and read by me this year. You will notice there is only 9 here. The tenth is an audio book, a format I still struggle with. The book is ' Storyworthy ' by Michael Dicks. his voice grates a bit, but that may just be me.

The book are :

The Courage to Create - Rollo May. Henry Miller on Writing - Henry Miller Hope in the Dark - Rebecca Solnit. Women On Nature - Ed by Katherine Norbury. The Art of Travel - Alain De Botton. The Enchanted Life - Sharon Black. A Field Guide to Getting Lost - Rebecca Solnit. The Love of Country ( A Hebridean Journey ) - Madeline Bunting. Eternal Echoes - John O'Donohue.

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