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  • raywatters

The Tonic of Wildness.

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

A stunning Shetland morning over looking the North Sea at Easha Ness. Yesterdays misty, dull, chilly, wet day replaced by brilliant warm early morning sunshine. The sea glowing blue and turquoise crashes 20 - 30 feet in the air, frothy white against cliff and stack far below me, the roar carrying up the cliffs to where I sit. Gulls hang in the air or sit ocean bound, the sky a solid blue with occasional whispy cumulus clouds. Not a soul around, the soundtrack is bird call, and waves. The restorative power of vitamin sea, and has Thoreau once said :

“ The tonic of wildness “.

The weather as beautiful yesterday as it is today, just different in every way. As was yesterdays experience of Shetland. The experience of ‘The walk of a thousand accents’ . Having had about 5 days in nature and chilled, a restock was called for involving a step into Lerwick on cruise ship day. The small high street was awash with people. Accents from around the world, crammed into shops, alleyways and coffee houses. Hustle and bustle, couples and groups. Scandinavian, French, South American, American, Portuguese the crowds were endless, the chatter incessant. Hordes at every turn. Good for the economy, poor for the senses. Mehment ildan wrote of crowds :

“ Falling into the crowd is like falling into a soup; soup covers you, you become deaf, blind; soup permeates your thoughts too! Stay away from soup to see well, hear well, and think well! “

Needless to say it was a very quick visit. We popped in to chat to a lovely local who we met a week before to share our experience of her advice. She gave us some more and on we went restocked and away from the madding crowd. It’s self care Sunday, do something for you today. Lovely days people.

“ You are that to me, an oasis. You drug me and at the same time you give me strength.” Anaïs Nin.

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