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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

The Support Of Others.

Quite still this campervan morning. Not a breath of wind to speak of, slightly warmer than it has been. Solid bank of apparently motionless cloud above. Conversational crows in the ash. A pair of parakeets screech their way overhead. The sound of passing planes once more and nearby early morning cars. I have noticed since my return an almost absence of smaller birds, the area is almost dominated by crows, magpies and pigeons. Not seen a starling since my return or anything else for that matter. Gull cries carry through the air. And where did that week go ? Friyay already. I spent sometime yesterday catching up on reading in between drumming and life. I had let it drift a little whilst away and need to get back to it. I came across the wonderful Maria Popov and her work around the balance between humans being selflessly bolstered and encouraged in their creative endeavours, especially in the hyper critical society we live in, and the idea of a solitary creative genius. That we often :

“ Forget that the loving and staunch support of human capital is often the greatest privilege of all. “

The mothers, wives, lovers, teachers, mentors and friends that provide that support, even in the case of most solitary geniuses.

I find myself often working in areas or with people bereft of that ‘Human Capital’ and why reflecting on the young people from my drum circle it struck me the value of this human capital and the damage and difficulty it causes with its absence. Add on top of this a critical society, quick with labels and slow with support and the importance of this capital becomes huge. I have reflected on the human capital that got me to where I am, the part I play in the human capital that supports others, and that I provide to those around me. Be part of the human capital. Lovely days people.

“ No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anne Frank.

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