Dampness once more this campervan morning. After a few days of sunshine and relative brightness the rain has returned. The blanket of cloud, a mixture of whites, creams and greys passes over. A breeze showers me with water from the branches of the oak. Foraging Blue Tits and the usual starlings in the ash, as well as a singing blackbird, my host of morning companions, though the robins have been scarce for a few days. There is always a relative peace to be dug out, even here in suburban England. I cherish the opportunity to sit with it every morning that I can. I am processing yesterdays drumming event with teenagers trying to get their lives back on track after various issues and challenges, anyone of which would have stopped me dead. Their energy, their sense of fun and also the issues that they carry with them. A beautiful bunch of souls. I sit with a sense of unfairness and anger for the growing injustices in their life, the opportunities they did not have and the gulf between the haves and have nots. So there is a residue of that session sitting with me. Almost the epitome of what is happening in the bigger picture. A quiet reflection on that as I sit underneath the oak. The weekend of training, educating, music making, community building, hopefully inspiring people to go out into the world and then the sharp reality what we do. I like to think that part of the work I do on the edge, is to build communities, to give confidence, to challenge preconceptions, give faith and strength to people, to fight unfairness, challenge systems and bring just a dusting of hope, by being together and making music. There is a bit of edge to me this morning that I must keep an eye on. Lovely days people.
“ I am a person who is unhappy with things as they stand. We cannot accept the world as it is. Each day we should wake up foaming at the mouth because of the injustice of things.” Hugo Claus.
