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  • raywatters

The generous nature of the slow...

After a rather wet evening, greeted this campervan morning by a white hazy cloud with smatterings of pale blue peeking through. A wee chill still, for May it seems crazy. A couple of blackbirds this morning one in the ash and one in the oak issue forth, replies and further song coming from all directions. A pair of blue tits dart around branch, hedge and bush in the hunt. A crow in the distance and the feint sound of geese from some where. No starlings this morning. The distinctive song of the Great Tit pierces all. Dampness everywhere, sodden earth underfoot, puddles, water stained pavements, windows and walls. Planes passing overhead discernible by the sounds of their engines only. Friday is upon us once more and so quickly, as is the months of May only a few days away. Ticking the days off, before the grounding of a welcome road trip. In his poem ‘ This Is the Time to Be Slow ‘ John O’Donohue writes :

“This is the time to be slow Lie low to the wall Until the bitter weather passes

Try, as best you can, not to let The wire brush of doubt Scrape from your heart All sense of yourself And your hesitant light.

If you remain generous, Time will come good; And you will find your feet Again on fresh pastures of promise, Where the air will be kind And blushed with beginning.”

I am not a great follower of poetry, or form or its nature. Though I do know what I like and I also enjoy its challenge. I think that says something about the logical side of my brain, rather than the creative side. So it’s lovely to exercise that muscle. I am looking forward to stepping into the generous nature of the slow. To give myself space and energy to deal with the ‘wire brush of doubt’ and I adore the term ‘ Your hesitant light ‘. Such a beautiful poem of realisation, hope, being gentle and generous, giving ourselves permission to nurture. So this morning is about the generous nature of the slow. Lovely days people.

“ Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” Cassandra Clare.

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