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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Terry Hall RIP.

Another mild double digit campervan morning this morning. From the sublime frosts, snow and cold of a mere few days ago to the December ridiculousness of double digit warmth. Mild rain in the air and dampness everywhere after yesterdays stormy weather and still the oak clings to her leaves. Blackbird singing in the darkness, the focussed hum of the motorway and the slush of tyres passing through puddles in the not too distance. The darkness means that the cloud look indeterminate, but once again my best guess is heavy and dark. The light has an early morning blue tinge as the sun waits to rise. It does seem a wee bit bizarre to be sitting here in a hoodie sampling the delights of the morning, when a few days ago it was layer upon layer, freezing fingers, toes and nose and almost impossible to write. I tend not to look at anything before I grab a coffee, chair and go outside and download, but for some reason I checked the news, which as I say is most unlike me, I don’t want my head clouded with nonsense. However for some reason I looked and I am reeling a bit this morning from the news that Terry Hall, the lead vocalist and one of the lyricists for The Specials has died. A Coventry lad, like myself, he and The Specials were the backdrop to my teenage years. A band blending midlands industrial decay and Caribbean Ska, the fight against racism and inequality. My parents hated them. I thought they were brilliant and I will be hitting the vinyl later in celebration. My mind is now clouded with dance floors, sweat, cheap beer, cigarette smoke, old school and college friends. The sounds of The Specials, The Beat, Madness and The Selector to name but a few running around my head. So reflections of youth, death, grief and passing this campervan morning. I wonder sometimes if these deaths are felt so keenly with their ages being so close to mine, or signalling the end of a chapter. Anyway a great example of why I don’t check anything before writing and also glad I did as I immerse myself in being 16 / 17 again, if only for a few moments before the day starts. The sun has started to rise and a blue glow bathes everything around me, it just remains for to thank Terry for the memories. Lovely days people.

“ Sharing tales of those we've lost is how we keep from really losing them. “ Mitch Albom.

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