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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


A later start as the road to recovery continues. An utterly stunning morning this campervan morning. Minus three, sharp, sharp frost and a thick fog. Everything entombed in a brittle white. The garden is awash with the sounds of birds, two squabbling robins dance around the grass, a single starling high in the oak, sparrows hang out on eaves accompanied by the usual array of morning suburban sounds. Aristotle wrote :

"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold."

It is a beautiful morning, one in which I would be out and about trudging, looking for images, compositions, light and life. Breathing in cool refreshing air, drinking warming coffee peering at the macro and the micro in search of anything. However this morning it’s all from a window. What a bloody nuisance. I do love a cold morning and the sense of frustration is sitting with me. So I am dealing with this severe tension this morning as well as the continued need to heal. The bonus of having to be still is the opportunity to read and reflect without a sense of having to be somewhere else or doing something else. I have been reflecting on the bonus time and reading. The synchronicity of a few days ago and the coming together of a talk and a book from two separate sources has taken me on a journey of indigenous wisdom and authentic leadership. Lovely days people.

“ Walk into your own land and your own history and find the mystery that has been sleeping all this time “ Mac Macartney.

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