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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Taking Stock...

The faintest of rain on the air this campervan morning, quickly turns to a downpour and a hasty retreat to the van. Thought I might have got a second morning without rain. The light is dull and heavy as is now the rain, battering the roof of the van once more. The wind is blowing it into the side and the outline is of trees waving in a stiff breeze. It’s another wet start to the day. The road has quickly turned into a stream as the run off pours down the street. A busy drumming Saturday yesterday lends itself to a quieter self care Sunday today, though what shape that is going to take remains to be seen. Jane Austin wrote “ Let us have the luxury of silence “ and it feels like one of those Sundays. A chance to take stock, well at least this morning before the days kicks off properly. It’s interesting I dipped into another of my favourite authors yesterday Parker J Palmer. A wonderful thoughtful writer and whose books I would highly recommend. He writes :

“ When I devote myself to something that does not flow from my identity, that is not integral to my nature, I am most likely deepening the worlds hunger rather than helping to alleviate it “

He talks of ways of teaching to ourselves and ‘ Attend to the voice … within ‘ by journaling, solitude, silence, walking in the woods, meditative reading, meditation and finding a friend who will listen. And it feels like one of those Sundays. Lovely days people.

“ We are drawn to a body of knowledge because it shed light on our identity as well as in the world “ Parker J Palmer.

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