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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Surface and Soul.

Good morning. It has been a while. I hope this campervan morning finds you all well. The morning is cool, but not chilly, breath on air and steam rising from coffee. The cloud, varying shades of mucky white on a much obscured blue background, steadily scrolling overhead. Large crows in the oak and half a dozen starlings in the ash. Gull calls, but their not visible, the starlings take flight and are gone. The feint smell of dampness all around and grey heavy light. The humdrum of modernity in the background. My first foray outside in over a week. I read somewhere some time ago that there are two places you need to go, places that inspire you and places that heal you. The last week or so I have busy trying to get rid of a chest infection which has finally gone, so I have been firmly in the place of healing. As I say this is my first proper early morning venture outside and it is a welcome event and a return to the places that inspire. Observe and record nature, sounds, light, smells the full engagement of the senses. I have been at a wee bit of a loss as I heal, my routines and exposures have been off kilter and the ability to bathe in nature and experiences put on hold. An unfamiliar feeling, a sense of loss. Though it is often said that in that sense of loss new things can be discovered. I have been reading, contemplating and reflecting, but this is my first return to writing again ; my favourite writer Rebecca Solnit once wrote :

“To write is to carve a new path through the terrain of the imagination, or to point out new features on a familiar route. To read is to travel through that terrain with the author as a guide – a guide one might not always agree with or trust, but who can at least be counted on to take one somewhere.”

I have been on some journeys whilst healing and grateful to those that have taken me there and kept me company. So reflecting on being back in the world, being with nature and back in the mornings. So here’s to places that heal and places that inspire. Lovely days people.

“ Some things scratch the surface while others strike at your soul.” Gianna Perada.

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