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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


Dullness once more. Heavy broken grey cloud and dampness this campervan morning. A purposeful wind blows through sending water everywhere, rattling branches and leaves, creating the background to this mornings music. Crows camp in the oak, about six of them in the higher branches contributing occasional chatter. A distant magpie calls away. The rumble of the Monday morning motorway is back, though it is competing with a pretty stiff breeze. It feels a bit indeterminate, some shocks of blue appear in the sky, though the light remains dull and heavy. A suggestion that the indeterminate could be reflecting myself rather than just the weather. A struggle to sit and be this morning and to write, still a waft of stuckness around me, which I am trying to work through, a sense that the stuckness is the step before change somewhere, but not sure where. My internal compass is telling me that something needs to shift. So trying to let it go a bit and see what happens, free the needle so to speak. Sit with being stuck, see what unfolds and see what shifts. Full on sessions and busyness this week, engaging with groups and people, building community, making music and having fun. Lovely days people.

“ Most of the things that stop us aren’t things that we can’t do, but things we refuse to learn.” James Woosley.

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