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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Soul, Actions and Destiny.

Fast moving grey cloud this campervan morning. An occasional hint of blue peaks through, but it’s mainly grey and fast moving. A chill breeze bites away, but it’s been worse, the same breeze massages the branches of the oak and ash, bringing a cold brittle rattle to the morning. Dried leaves blow and scrape around the grass. The soundscape dominated by the staccato cry of a far off disgruntled magpie. A flock of crows, fly through the scene on their way from somewhere to somewhere, calling as they pass. Busy once more this morning. Sparrows call, but I haven’t seen a Robin or any other form of smaller bird for an age. The sun just beginning to bring a wee bit of colour to the sky and to the morning. The colour changing from dull greys to orange and pink. As I sit the starlings return to the ash for a chat and sit on the top most branches in conversation. A single Gull swirls above my head. As I say, a busy morning in the suburban landscape. It’s lovely to be back in the pattern of these mornings and reflecting on nothing in particular. Observe the evolving of the morning and the thoughts that come and go. In Aurelius’ famous book on meditations he writes of the soul becoming “Dyed with the colour of its thoughts “, Lao Tzu warns us to be aware that our thoughts become our destiny and finally Emerson writes that “ The ancestor of every action is a thought.” So feeling mindful of what I think this morning and it colouring my soul, my actions and my destiny. Lovely day people.

“ Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.”

Eckhart Tolle.

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