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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Soaked Alone...

Light rain on the air, getting progressively heavier this campervan morning. The sound of slushing cars once more, I am surrounded by water and growing piles of yellowing oak leaves. Distant cries of Magpies in conversation. The lighter rain means some activity from Starlings and a Blackbird. Smaller birds still seem to be sheltering. Heavy dark cloud, once again obscuring the view, but not the sound of passing planes. A small flock of gulls cry passing overhead even in the rain, which becoming heavier and the shelter of the oak becoming ineffective means a retreat into the van. The light remains gloomy and there is little wind to speak of. It’s been a damp few days. One of the many benefits of rain is not being disturbed by the incessant drone of motorways so another plus. The artist and novelist Douglas Coupland ( He who coined the phrase Generation Z ) wrote “ I have always considered the rain to be healing—a blanket—the comfort of a friend." and so it feels this morning. A busy day sees me connecting with friends and some drumming. I came across this quote whilst reading yesterday by the author Emily Wing Smith.

. "Being soaked alone is cold. Being soaked with your best friend is an adventure."

I have been reflecting on being soaked alone and being soaked with a friend and the varying situations that have made things easier, because of the opportunity to share experiences, thoughts, music, reading and adventures. How each of these is enhanced in the sharing. As much as I love my own company, at times sharing feels important with friends, family and community. The tension between sharing and isolation is a balance I seem to walk, perhaps we all do. Times when my own company is what I need and other times the company of friends, being soaked alone or with a friend. Lovely days people.

“ It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent." - Dave Barry.

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