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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Slow Waltz...

And this campervan morning brings a later start. A single huge crow sits atop the Ash. The cloud is varying shades of heavy grey almost stationary to the eye. Three squirrels are running around the Oak foraging, it’s well past mid-November and she still retains almost all her leaves. Traffic once more fills the air. It’s finally a dry morning and able to sit under the Oak without fear of a drenching. The Crow clearly unimpressed with visiting Starlings, flops lazily into the air and disappears from view. A few smaller almost indistinguishable birds flit around bushes, it’s a busy morning. What a fun week this has turned out to be and here we are at the weekend.I hate to say it, but the scent of Christmas is in the air wherever we go. Already the Surrey leaf blowers out, they are such a curse on mankind “ Oh darling we couldn’t possibly have leaves on the lawn, that would spoil the look “ what a crazy world we live in. A busy day of drumming ahead, so just resting, absorbing the morning and drinking coffee. I have been slightly obsessed with the quote by Michael Bassey Johnson the I closed yesterdays thoughts on :

“ I saw a tree dancing in the wind, and it said to me, ‘I’m not doing this to entertain you, but to remind you of what life is - a dance in the wind!”

One of my drum circle mentors and teachers always says that “ Life is a Dance “. For a few days it felt like a bit of a very slow waltz and as the week has unfolded in a lovely way it’s kind of turned into an explosive interaction with life’s music, where we get to dictate the tune that is playing. So I am wondering what your tune might be ? Lovely days people.

“ You cannot taste a song but you can feel the tune relishing your heart where strings of music belong.” Munia Khan

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