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  • raywatters

Self - Forgetfulness.

Good morning from the shores of Loch Ken this campervan morning. An utterly stunning morning with not enough superlatives to describe it. A flock of geese to my left, honking pronouncements by the dozen hanging around corse land. Running water from a small brook running into the loch, and bright brilliant sunshine. Deep blue early morning sky, low level sporadic cumulus cloud a smattering of fishermen plying their early morning trade. Despite the geese, quietness. A gentle breeze sends ripples across the water, breaking its mirror like quality. An opportunity to forget yourself and the day ahead for a few moment. As Helen Keller once wrote the ‘ Joy of self forgetfulness ‘. Or as the author Kamand Kojouri puts it :

“ Ignorance might be bliss. But self-forgetfulness is pure ecstasy.”

And the last few days have been forgetfulness ecstasy. The opportunity to let things drop away, be present in the moment, witness the self and surroundings. As they say what surrounds us is what is within us. The playwright Mehmet Murat ildan wrote :

“ When looking at an extraordinary landscape, there are no questions, no answers, no desires, no plans, no worries, no past, no present, no future; there is only a deep silence, only a glance! “.

Yesterday a day of stop start travel, water falls and lochs. Meanderings, writings, readings and photography. Soaking up atmosphere and at times rain. Truly four seasons in one hour at times. Prepping mentally for a weekend of sharing and drumming, before recommencing travel . One of the most beautiful mornings so far on the trip. Lovely days people.

“If you want to change yourself, you have to change your point of view.” Nina Hrusa.

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