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  • raywatters

Refreshed, delighted, invigorated, I walked...

Good morning with another grey looking start to this campervan morning this time in Unst. Currently overlooking the Burna Firth at the north of the island. A brisk breeze swirls around, but a wee bit calmer than yesterday, which after a dull start turned into another glorious day. This mornings cloud broken, with vague patches of blue peeking through over head, the sea once again a grey reflection of the same. The light bright and white with a tinge of dullness, if that’s possible. Occasional glimpses of the rising sun clearing the Lee of Saxavord and then quickly obscured by fast paced cloud. The sounds of birdsong, sheep and the lapping of waves at the foot of the cliffs below. The swell also rhyming its way up the firth, to lap onto the shore at Burrafirth. Views once again to bask in and drink coffee, reflect on the day gone by and ponder what’s to come. As my other companion in this trip John Muir once wrote.

“ In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

A day of travel from the mainland by ferry via Yell to the northern most island, saw us strike out to reach as far north as we could and a four mile hike of breathtaking beauty to Muckle Flugga light house, or at least as close as you can get. Clearing the hills to the cliffs of the west coast and breathtaking views over the Atlantic are a constant challenge to your perceptions of landscape, nature and beauty. It took your breath away, Plath puts it best :

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery – air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, ‘This is what it is to be happy.’”

There were no trees, replaced by cliffs rising from the sea, giant stacks, arches and thousands of birds.

A desire to know more about the geology, geography and nature that you are witnessing ( The logical side of my brain interfering ) and also just an opportunity to soak it up. To become an advocate for its survival, rather than be involved in its rapacious devouring of it. Lovely days people.

“ Refreshed, delighted, invigorated, I walked along, forgetting all my cares, feeling as if I had wings to my feet.” Anne Brontë.

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