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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Reflexive Response.

What a beautiful campervan morning, blue sky with light highflying cirrus cloud drifting by. A warm breeze wafts through, rustling leaves, gently swaying branches is the theme for the morning. Their movement provides the sound and their shimmering in the morning sunlight provides the visuals. The sun and rain of the last few days leaves a lushness to the vegetation that surrounds me. There is the slight interruption of passing aeroplanes making for or leaving nearby airports, but that can be tuned out. I saw briefly the robin again, but they quickly made themselves scarce, with a flutter and a warning call. It’s under the misunderstanding that I am some sort of threat at the moment. A few pigeons around, but once again that’s it for birds. A Saturday morning and suburbia is rising to the challenge of the weekend. There is busyness at the moment, so these mornings have become even more important and the discipline to make sure they occur. To stay connected to a corner of creativity and being, just to keep myself plugged into the self. I am discovering some more of my reflexive responses which is no bad thing Deitch writes that :

“ We think we’re making a cogent decision about specific circumstances when we’re really just having a pre-programmed reflexive response.”

It’s been quite an intense period of learning and chucking up all sorts of baggage for me to explore, which as a counsellor is no bad thing. I sense it will be more of the same today and for the next few days. It has brushed off some of the rust of my self practice, which has perhaps become a little care worn. Again really useful to become alive to what’s going on, rather than trotting out the same words and responses ad nauseam without any self understanding. So more of the challenges, reflexive responses, recognition and exploration. Lovely days people.

“ The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.” Carl Rogers.

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