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  • raywatters

Reckless Courage.

A sky of colours this campervan morning. Many shades of deep orange, intermingled blues and white streaked across the sky. A stunning start to the day, a flock of starlings clear the hedge and disappear, large crows strut across vacant fields hunting for food. Smaller birds dart in and out of hedges and branches. It’s chilly this morning, thick breath on the air, spirals of steam rising from my coffee cup, crystal frost on unexposed grass. A short drive south for a wee break and to take in some autumnal colours, sees me on the coast enjoying a spectacular sun rise, if a little too late. I need to rise earlier over the next few days to capture it, or at least do it justice. After my conversation with a dear friend I am making my way through some of my previous reading with renewed understanding. It’s interesting how on the back of a conversation your understanding and perspective shifts. The ability to listen, appreciate, understand and shift your perspective. Something that seems to be missing from some of or a lot fields these days. Anyhow the conversation really cracked me open and as galvanised areas of my exploration and understanding. William Yeats wrote that ;

“Man needs reckless courage to descend into the abyss of himself “

And sitting here watching the morning and the colours unfold it feels a more comfortable place to explore it. The word abyss, sounds deep, dark, murky and mysterious. Shining a light on it in fact means it’s no longer any of those. I am not sure even reckless courage is right either, maybe just courage and willingness. Perhaps the reckless element refers to go there regardless of the consequences. Any ways it’s a stunning morning and the day awaits. Lovely days people.

“ Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity. “ Stephen J. Gould.

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