Well it would appear that dullness has returned and this campervan morning is no exception. Grey light, heavy grey cloud and moisture sitting on the air. A slight wind means the chill has returned and nips at finger tips. Starlings in the Ash, a single Robin darts here and there, bird chatter, morning cockerel, wood pigeon the usual suburban menagerie. The coffee feels especially welcome. There is a heaviness in the dull light, sapping at your senses. Not a huge amount to report this morning. It’s one of those days that happen. Reflecting on the encounters of yesterday and conversations with a lovely young man from Northern Iraq. His journey to Europe and now his home in the UK. His time in Norway, the cold and beauty of Bergen, a man with drive, determination, kindness and the ability to speak five languages ( I have only mastered one and that poorly ) and the desire to share his journey with me. A delightful and life affirming conversation of the best of man in facing adversity, chaos, fear and hatred. A real positive conversation and fabulous encounter. The young man’s words of family, aspirations and dreams. A much needed perspective and encounter, for me anyway. The face of humanity. I am wondering why the encounter happened now and what it means. Lovely days people.
“ But once in a while the odd thing happens, Once in a while the dream comes true, And the whole pattern of life is altered, Once in a while the moon turns blue." W.H. Auden.
