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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


A low moon hangs just above the horizon to the west of me this campervan morning. Its mesmerising descent quickening as the time slips by, casting the last of its eerie light around, illuminating high passing clumps of cloud. The sky is still dark, with a myriad of blinking navigation lights ; the sight of dissipating contrails indicate that it’s a relatively clear one. Sounds of crows, and far off geese in the air and smaller birds competing with the grind of humanity on the commuter march. There is a breeze bringing a freshness to the morning air and an occasional chill, though warming coffee is welcome to keep cold fingers at bay. It’s Friyay and for some the weekend will soon be upon us. Looks like it could be a glorious sunrise as the sky appears to take on an orange hue, moments later the top of the oak is bathed in beautiful orange and pinks. It’s still pretty damp underfoot from overnight rain and the occasional drip falls from the oak. Interesting conversation last night over consuming other peoples reality, through the lens of social media. The reality that people portray or put out there for others to consume. The stories they create and tell and the almost insane appetite for other peoples reality. Judging other people’s reality by what you see rather than what you know. The need to comment on anyone else’s reality. It’s worth remembering that as Einstein said, reality is merely an illusion created by us, but I love Tim Burton’s comment that “One person's craziness is another person's reality.” And I feel he should know. The enticement of another persons reality, to copy some else’s reality, my reality is better than your reality, imposing your illusion on some one else’s illusion. Strange world that we have created. A bit of a ramble this morning as was the conversation. Lovely days people.

“Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.” Anaïs Nin.

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