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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Reach Out

Unseasonably warm and seasonably quiet this Christmas campervan morning. Nothing to listen to but nature, not a peep from humanity. Clouds heavy, dark and fast moving. I am surrounded by residual rain, dampness and birdsong. There is once again an occasional breeze rustling the remaining leaves on the oak. The air feels some what fresher and clearer without the incessant racket of humanity and just the music of nature. A beautiful way to start the day. The squirrels have emerged from their drey and are out and about scudding around the Oak. Reflecting here on some sad news received yesterday on the passing of someone, keenly felt so close to this special day. A person who made it her cause to make a difference to peoples lives and an amazing advocate for mental health. So pausing for a moment and thinking on her legacy. Also reflecting on Christmas’ past and with a good measure of excitement for the unfolding day ahead, excited to connect with family and friends. I hope you all have an utterly fabulous day today with those that are closest to you. For those that are struggling or require some support please reach out you are not alone. Lovely days people.

“ We speak not only to tell other people what we think, but to tell ourselves what we think. Speech is a part of thought.” Oliver Sacks

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