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  • raywatters

Pouring Acid On Your Attention.

A later start this campervan morning. Grey heavy skies crawl overhead, the world already awake, busy in its busyness. Far off motorway hum and nearby commutes already underway. A few bird calls, crows and the usual robins in conversation. The oak yellowing a little more each day, a few leaves scatter on the slight chill breeze, but she still holds onto most of them. The colour shift surrounds her, from the lush greens of a few weeks ago to browns, ochres, yellows and some stunning reds. The vestiges of rain still hanging about, a watery sun breaks through momentarily. Dipping into a book by Johan Hari called ‘Stolen Focus’ where he talks of an almost epidemic loss of the ability to focus. His previous book ‘Lost Connections’ on mental health is a must read too. He has a bit of a chequered past as a journalist including claims of plagiarism to the points here he and to return a prize in 2008. However ‘Stolen Focus’ is another must read, in my opinion, to explore and recover the almost global loss of attention. He talks of apps and platforms that reward and encourage addiction by design, that takes us away from focussing on what matters to the world and to people. That the lack of attention is also a by product of and driven by elements of the capitalist structure and the insane constant drive for increased profits at the cost of everything else. It’s become a societal and cultural issue. I am unsure if his thoughts on ADHD, in fact I pretty much disagree with much that he writes around this. The whole book however has given me pause for thought and to look at my own focus and attention. My own habits, my own way of conducting my day. Do I have the inattention and lack of focus that he talks of ? The distraction of technology, the distraction of the technology put in place that says I must be productive. The construct of my days and what influences them and what interrupts them and why. If nothing else that has been a useful exercise. To be a little more proactive in my days and what I chose to interrupt them with. It’s that favourite counselling term ‘Awareness’. Lovely days people.

“ The truth is that you are living in a system that is pouring acid on your attention every day, and then you are being told to blame yourself and to fiddle with your own habits while the world’s attention burns.” Johann Hari.

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