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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Places and Spaces...

Torrential rain this campervan morning, beating on windows and roof. Streaming down glass, bouncing off skylights, it’s a very wet and noisy start to the day. Dark heavy clouds overhead, not a peep from nature, which appears to have hunkered down as well to ride out the rain. Though saying that there are a few noises from a passing Gull and Magpies. The occasional sign of car headlights sliding across the front of the van, for a few moments illuminating the deluge, house lights flicker on around me. The Manga artist Tite Kubo touchingly wrote of rain joining sky and earth “ That otherwise never touch “. The antidote to rain for me is a good coffee and a great book and that’s where I am at this early morning, really enjoying ‘Women In Nature’ edited by Katherine Norbury, an anthology of women’s writing about the natural world, which maybe my muse for a few days. A simple sentence quickly conjured up images for me :

“ There are places that dance around us - like moths drawn to the light of a flame from a fire“ Kerri Ni Dochartaigh.

I love how books fire the imagination, a reflection on experiences, the here and now, pondering places that have danced around me. She writes of places that become flames themselves and I ponder places that I am drawn to or have been in the past. Places of beauty, history, vistas of landscapes, villagescapes, cityscapes, the barren, the fertile, stillness, wilderness and busyness. Maybe not so much the busyness. How places and nature reflect my nature. How perhaps places I go hold a mirror up to me and reflect where I am at, what I need or where I need to be. The serene to the stormy, the sunshine to the rain, the stillness to the busyness. How each journey I make to seek out an experience reflects where I am at. I feel a journey coming on, I am fired by desire and a sentence in a book. Lovely days people.

“ There are places where space and time do not, can not, will not exist within the confines we have so keenly tried to erect here for ourselves - on this here our solid ground - our carved out lands “.

Kerri Ni Dochartaigh.

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