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  • raywatters


Surprised to be greeted by rain this Campervan morning. There was some expectation of cold, which is not really present, but not so much the rain, as light as it is, or was. A retreat to the van maybe the order of the morning if it becomes more persistent. There is an intermittent breeze that does bring a wee reminder that maybe winter wants to leave with a bit of a clout. Grey light and heavy grey cloud above. Starlings in the Ash and the sound of birdsong, but absent to sight. It really is quite a dull morning and it seems to have slowed everything down a little, the light, sounds, nature and my thoughts. I wrote a few days ago about those distant places that provide refuge. In Solnit’s wonderful work ‘The Faraway Nearby ‘she also talks of places that give us continuity and familiarity, that allows elements of our lives to remain connected. Also the expanse of others which allow our troubles to be put into context and offer a balm to loss and ugliness. The idea of visiting places and rediscovering yourself, putting yourself in perspective, the opportunity to understand yourself differently, places acting as a balm to your troubles or what Solnit terms the ugliness of the world, and let’s be honest there is a lot of ugliness in the world, if you chose to engage in it. There is also a lot of beauty should you chose to see it. So reflecting on places this morning. The wonderful author Jeanette Winterson her of ‘Oranges are Not the Only Fruit’ and her wonderful autobiography ‘ Why be Happy when you could be Normal ‘ writes :

“ Life…we understand it differently at different stages. It’s what is interesting about getting older, you realize your relationship with the past is always negotiable. There is a lot of freedom in that, because you realize you can go back to what you did such a long time ago. You can talk with the dead, talk with your lost self, your disappeared self, and you can visit those places again, and understand it differently. That makes a huge difference.

So there is a sense in me of the altering perspective of places. Those that have played an important part in my life in a positive way and those that haven’t. The places that allow me to connect, rediscover and sooth and the laying to rest of ghosts of the more negative experience of other places. The power of places and perspectives, lovely days people.

“ I could go on like this forever, but would I ever find a place that was meant for me? Like, for example, where ?…

Haruki Murakam.

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