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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


Good morning and would it surprise you that it’s still raining this campervan morning. Spits and spats hitting roof and window, the torrential bit appears to have passed over. It’s cool, chilly and dark, the wind is blustery and still pretty fierce at times. The cloud is low and heavy obscuring most of the hills and mountains surrounding the van. The colour of the morning is grey once more. Clearing and moving further north after a limited exploration, curtailed by the weather. Not sure if that’s a wise thing or not, we will see. Managed to find a beautiful view to pass away a bit of time yesterday and watch the cloud and rain move across valley and landscape. Chatted to a couple who had been stuck in a hotel for two days due to the rain and this was their fist foray out. However a lot of sitting around the last few days watching weather blow through, reading and reflecting, as well as chasing new thoughts to ground. Sadly not a huge amount to report. Had a few issues with my perfectionism yesterday which was seriously challenged even at this advanced age. You would think as the years have gone on and with the work that I do being immersed in chaos that I could let it go, sadly it was not to be. It only took a few hours to get over it… sigh. I came across this quote :

“ Perfectionism is a stick with which to beat the possible “.

I am some what of an expert at putting out the fire of the possible using my perfectionist fire extinguisher. Still a work in progress as are we all. It was interesting to dip into it and journal my way out of it. You can’t do anything about it until you acknowledge that it’s there. Sadly the change appears to be a bit of a long haul. As I sit here a vast wall of weather rolls in and begins to dump a bit more rain. Lovely days people.

“ At its root, perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure. Fear of success.” Michael Law.

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