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  • raywatters

Pay attenion to the whispers...

One of those mornings this campervan morning. Threatening dark skies, an edgy chill breeze, sense of rain on the air, uncertainty and the anticipation of change. A welcome warm coffee, but it’s cooling way too quickly. My usual morning companions in place, starlings and the conversational blackbird, though there appears to be three or four conversing to and fro around me. Far off distant crows can just be made out. No sign of the commuter hum, unseen passing aeroplanes, hidden by dense cloud make themselves known. I came across and been reflecting and journaling on something a few days ago around the emotional intensity of a whisper. In an article Sam Waddoups wrote :

“ When you whisper, you halt your voice’s vibrations so that pure air can pass through with just the sound of a breath. No musical notes can be produced in a true whisper.”

The power and sometimes the intensity of a whisper in life. They maybe quiet, but there messages are often thunderous and life changing. The internal whispers from within. Dee Weldeck wrote :

“ Listen to the whispers you hear from within, give your soul the voice to be heard.”

The intensity of a whisper in the counselling room, the choked emotion, the difficulty of expression, on the cusp of realisation and change. In the drum circle the whispers of percussion, behind the beat of the drums. Pay attention to the whisper in the crowd. The voice of reason, the alternate message beyond the noise. The voice maybe quiet, but there message once again can be life changing. I think sometimes my process of sitting here, absorbing the morning, the sounds of nature, the light, the colours, cloud and silence , I become aware of internal whispers almost a hidden presence. Pay attention to the whispers in the noise. Lovely days people.

“ The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls and whispered in the sound of silence “. Paul Simon.

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