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  • raywatters

Pain is Growth ?

So in the last few weeks having reached the very north of the UK and taken in the beautiful Shetland Isles, explored Orkney and northern Scotland, wrapped in thermals, coats and hats, yesterday was about travelling south and this campervan morning is brought to you from Ribeauville, about two hours away from the Swiss border, t shirts and shorts. A long day of adventures and experiences yesterday, tolls, tunnels, roads and supermarche were the order of the day. A first foray under the channel and Le Shuttle and then a full days driving to where we now sit. Lots of comfort zone testing and boundary pushing, yet here we are. It’s interesting there is lots written about the benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone and the fabulous ways your life improves, but not a lot on the in the moment confrontation, at the very boundary of that zone. The visceral feelings of being in that place at that time. Endless quotes on the benefits and the super extended life you will have, but as I say not a huge amount about the boundary itself and the physical and emotional in the moment experience. I think the most realistic explanation I came across was from the climber Tommy Caldwell who said

“ Pain is growth.”

The rest just feel like the usual positive, self help clap trap that one tends to find. Anyway a beautiful warm, cloudless morning, coffee, although always necessary, feels some what superfluous, as the temperature soars. Contemplating the order of the day, local explorations and see what the day has in store. The southern part of the tour now well on the way. I will leave you with Nietzsche this morning and the journeys of Xavier de Maistre.

“ We meet people who have crossed deserts, floated on ice caps and cut their way through jungle - and yet in whose souls we would search in vain for evidence of what they have witnessed. Dressed in pink and blue pyjamas, satisfied within the confines of his son bedroom, Xavier de Maistre was gently nudging us to try, before taking off for distant hemispheres, to notice what we have already seen.”

Lovely days people.

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