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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Out of Nothing.

“ Marley was dead to begin with “

It’s the first of December and so I can start my reading of A Christmas Carol. And somewhat aptly it’s a thick, damp and foggy campervan morning. The fog swirls, conceals and clings to everything, street lights have an eerie glow, trees loom large and point accusatory fingers through dense mist, scenes reminiscent of Dickensian London. How apt. Hidden birds chatter from tree, eave and rooftop, far off cockerel calls once again, other sounds muffled and disguised by the morning thickness. Dampness drips from branch and hedge and sits on chest and lungs. I have been reflecting here this morning on ‘Out of Nothing’ which feels like the title of a book I should write. I am always in awe of people who create out of nothing. People who create things of beauty out of nothing. I am surrounded by some incredibly talented people, who I am lucky enough to call friends. A dear friend who is an artist who creates things of beauty with paints and canvas out of nothing. Another who writes music for film and TV who produces sounds of incredible beauty out of nothing, another who is a photographer who pulls stunning images from their surroundings and one more who is a journalist. Not some talentless, public school hack, but some one who creates joy and who’s passion shines through their art form. Another who draws a bow across strings to produce the most beautiful sounds. One more who brings people together to sing and create and facilities beauty from nothing. These people colour my world and as I sit here reflecting on them and the depth and breadth of their talent it is breathtaking. They conjure beauty from nothing. We all conjure beauty from nothing, be it our interactions with people, taking time to listen to another, extending the hand of friendship and investing in each other, taking time for ourselves, creating our day as it unfolds out of nothing. That’s where all our talent lies, creating something of beauty out of nothing. Lovely days people.

“Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.” Erol Ozan

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