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  • raywatters

Octobers crown, Novembers chill and that bit in the middle

Clear cloudless sky this campervan morning. Stars twinkle, sprinkled like glitter across the morning sky, a waning moon far above me watches over proceedings. Planes pass over head blinking whites, reds and greens as they go. The sounds of jet engines filling the air. A few moments of concentration to tune out the white noise of modernity and catch the real world under neath. Several crows in far off conversation. Robin predatory warning calls ( A rapid staccato of single notes ) as well as chatter in the Oak and Ash. The air barely susceptible shifts through the leaves bringing with it a a chill. The temperatures appears to have shifted downwards over the last day or so, the thermals broken out and wooly hats are the order of the morning. A wee bit of the chill grasping at the breath and chest. The coffee really welcome this morning. A single cockerel announces his version of the morning rise. The sky lightening from darkness to many shades of blue and the territory around me takes shape. Monday announces its arrival and November truly feels like it’s here, although to be fair, in years gone by it felt colder. Autumnal debris starting to collect around me. In her poem November poet Beatrice Crane writes ;

“ Now chill & grey November Come slowly o'er the plain, Drearily the winter wind Sings songs of future pain.”

A verse later ;

“ She scatters with her hand The leaves dried up and brown, The few that yet remain From gay October's crown.”

This kind of feels where this morning is at.

I am grateful this morning to Maria Popov, who pointed me yesterday in the direction of this quote from the writer Iris Murdoch, which typifies my mood of late ;

“ Emotions really exist at the bottom of the personality or at the top. In the middle they are acted. This is why all the world is a stage. “

There feels to be some dwelling in the middle at the moment, if not a lot of the time , and a bit of a drive to understand that. A realisation of the act and the stage that we are all acting on, the messy bit of ourselves in the middle. The stuff I have spent time with client’s exploring, and many years in myself. The use of awareness in moments I catch myself in the middle of the act. That we are all on a huge stage all acting from the middle, with no idea what’s driving us, why we are the way we are. So this morning it feels about Octobers crown, Novembers chill and that bit in the middle. Lovely days people.

“We defend ourselves with descriptions and tame the world by generalizing. “ Iris Murdoch.

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