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  • raywatters

Not a sound...

A glorious sunny blue skied Scottish campervan morning. A fairly solid drive journeying further south into The Galloway Forest yesterday, means a lovely mid forest park up. As my current favourite naturalist John Muir once said :

“ The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”

This morning feels just like that. Seriously not a sound. A few days of Loch swims and photos lays ahead. No hurry to return, though it must be said the midges were brutal last night and the first real encounter of the year so far. This morning surrounded by trees and birdsong, a Crested Tit ( I looked it up ), sits atop a small fir tree singing away, replies and responds surround me. It’s lovely to have this spot to myself, no need to or desire to share, just be. I have been reflecting on this over the last few days, the need to celebrate beauty, nature and my surroundings with wanting the experience all to myself. The internal sense of disappointment when sitting in a setting and some one else turns up and walks through my scene. The difficulty in sharing the experience. A beautiful park up and another van pulls in. I am wondering what that is about this morning. The need or desire to enjoy beauty in isolation. It’s a strange one for me, because on the whole I love sharing life, experiences and adventures. Why would I begrudge sharing my happiness at a scene. So a true reflection this morning. I suppose it may be to do with the need for isolation post all the sharing I do in my work, I have no idea. Anyway a short sharing this morning. Lovely days people.

“ Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.” Charlotte Bronte.

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