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  • raywatters

Not a lot to report...

Greeted by a bright blue, contrail strewn sky this campervan morning. The lightest, haziest cirrus cloud just about visible. Sunshine already bathing the tops of the oak and ash. A lone crow sits on the highest branches absorbing the warmth. I can hear the blackbird, but can’t see it as of yet. There is still call for a wooly hat, but that once again may just be my age. Some Saturday early stillness and the birds have the soundscape. The blackbird now found in the ash, seems central to several conversations going on around it. A few more leaf buds in the oak at last, the grass coated in sparkly morning dew and dampness on the ground. It’s nice to see a bright morning once more after a litany of dark and grey ones. Kim Hubbard wrote

“ Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation. “

He may have a point.

A busy day ahead of drumming, so grabbing a few moments, before the hurly burly of traffic, loading and unloading and the sound of the drums for the day. May Day is fast approaching and drumming this weekend as it approaches seems some what apt. Welcoming in the summer and the turning of the wheel, the weekend scattered with various Beltane celebrations. Really not a lot to report as I am in prep mode for todays work and that’s ok. So time to make a move and create a day. Lovely days people.

“ Nothing is ever lost as time passes, it merely metamorphoses into something as wonderful or, in some cases, into something even better than before."

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