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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


Driving further north for a wee while sees me just short of the Troissachs this campervan morning. The night spent amongst hooting owls was a lovely experience. The sky a beautiful palette of blues, whites and greys. It’s dry which is unusual for this outing. Birds intermingle with Sunday morning traffic. A full sun shining through naked trees, crows flopping across the sky, a sense of a chill and shift in the air again. A beautiful evening amongst friends, wonderful food, stories, singing, percussion and more chat and stories meant for a relatively late night. The immersion in music, hoping some would rub off. I am often in awe of the talent of people, their generosity of spirit and their willingness to share as they did last night. Leading to beautiful connections as well as music. “ Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends”.

The forecast is for snow, so making appropriate plans with a modicum of excitement ( Well from myside ). Lovely days people.

“ Music is an outburst of the soul.” Frederick Delius.

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