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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Mountains and Nature.

Somewhere around minus 2 this campervan morning. Churned up heavy ground turned into solid frosty lumps topped with white. It’s cold, breath and coffee steam on air, the sun has just broken the horizon over the loch and bathing a snow covered Ben Lomond with light. What a stunning morning. The sky is a solid blue with the very occasional pink kissed cumulus. The water a wee bit choppy laps against the shoreline. Just watching the sun slowly rise and bathe the sides of the mountain in light. An epic morning, just a gorgeous view, lapping water and time on your hands to enjoy it. Nature has a way of stopping you in your tracks and saying let’s enjoy this time together and not forget it. This morning is one of those times. Robert MacFarlane writes :

“ Mountains returns to us priceless capacity for wonder which can so insensibly be leached away by modern existence, and they urge us to apply that wonder to our own everyday lives. “

A beautiful day of sharing yesterday with friends, long walks and a beautiful lunch and here I am now on the shore of Loch Lomond reflecting on that and contemplating the day ahead. In fact in some ways I’m not as the views are just to lovely to take your eyes of them. Lovely days people.

" I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.” Sylvia Plath.

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