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  • raywatters


Parked in front of 13th century town walls as the sun rises above them this campervan morning. A some what narrow field of vision means blue sky above ancient terracotta tiled roofs. We are parked close to the Roman road that connected Sienna to Rome and near the walls of Asciano. A quiet night considering it was a Saturday. An utterly blistering hot day yesterday and the continued hunt for pictures, landscapes and scenery. The first to one of the most photographed chapels in Tuscany, which in fairness was a little disappointing and then on to a monastery, to catch beautiful organ music and Gregorian chant and the sung liturgy. I am not in anyway a religious man, in fact quite the reverse, but such a real pleasure to witness something so beautiful. Also a visit to the monastery’s library with the history of chant, its recording in writing, music books going back to the 10th century. A curation of some size. Explaining the importance of the sung liturgy and how it works throughout the year. The art work utterly stunning and a real lesson in the beauty of this music. Once again meeting with another stranger on our travels. A lovely Italian man and a sommelier with a penchant for collecting English pottery, who showed us pictures of his part of his collection on his phone and his love of languages. Another stranger crossing our path.

Then driving into central Tuscany for lunch and to start looking for a park up, which brought us to where we are now. Self Care Sundays everyone, so make sure you do something for yourself today.

“ Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. “ Anita Desai.

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