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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Mirrors and Journeys.

A slight breeze brings an accent to the wee chill this campervan morning. A bit of excitement, dawn is yet to break and there is the distant hoot of an Owl. Stars and darkness above, cold on face and fingers. The wind shakes the Oak and the Ash bringing a gentleness to the morning soundtrack, the lower tones taken up by the drone of the commuter traffic on far off motorways, once again unseen birdsong occupies the higher range. The sky appears to be two halves, bright stars on one, cloud on the other. Although not especially cold it does nip at fingers so the coffee cup is a welcome warmer. Whilst journaling, reading and shaping various projects yesterday I came across Suzy Kassem a name I had not come across before. A philosopher, poet, writer and film maker she was a rabbit hole that I quickly disappeared into. Anyone who writes a poem called ‘Remember your Greatness’ is always worth an explore. I began a voracious hunt for some of her writings and works and found a huge amount that resonated. Works that helped shape thoughts and ideas. I often find that the work that resonates with me often mirrors where I am at. A sense that I use them to fuel my journey, use them as marker posts as to where I have been, where I am at and where I am going. Sometimes it’s nature, other times it’s psychology, photography, philosophy, travel or history. All of them bubbling in a cauldron of thoughts and experiences. They are all part of the onward journey, progress, moving forward ensuring tomorrow is not like today, trying to make sure that stagnation remains anathema to me. Kassem resonated, and two particular sentences she writes :

“ The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder.”


“A life fueled by passions is like riding on the back of a dragon.”

The sense of keep on keeping on. It was the fuel that I needed at that time and they are now on post it notes adorning my screen. Lovely days people.

“ The journey of the sun and moon is predictable, but yours is your ultimate art.”

Suzy Kassem.

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