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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


Grey skies and drizzly rain this campervan morning. The rain has been persistent throughout the night and my companion through sleep. A late drives brings me back to the old family home and I am sheltering surrounded by manicured gardens, lawn and fence panels. The soundscape is always so different here, almost a complete absence of nature except for the occasional sparrow, no trees, just roofs, aerials and satellite dishes. The sound of a passing aeroplane and the rain, that really is about it. Contemplating the final stages of clearing, saying goodbye to the family home and moving on. The very last layers of accumulated stuff to go, some of it the most emotional, close the door and never to return to the family home of 50 years. We attach meaning to things as people. Meaning to objects, places, houses, landscapes in fact most things and these for me illustrate or create moments in time. Some of them stay with you and some of them disappear. I have places with which I have deep connections as the moments in time were so profound that they have stayed with me. Even fleeting moments. Other places even though I have been there many times or many years not so much. So today is about objects, moments in time and clearing. Retreating to the van it’s now hammering down. Lovely days people.

“ Life is not measured by time. It is measured by moments.” Armin Houman.

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