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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Make something of your Experiences.

A deliberate earlier start to catch the remnants of the night sky this campervan morning. There appears to be a lot of cloud still, but there’s stars and criss crossing navigation lights way up high. A cold breeze blows through, pulling hat firmly down, straining and creaking branches above my head emerging from the dark. Unsighted birds fill the early morning darkness with song. Steam from coffee on the air and welcome heat for the fingers from the cup. Exploring the process of closing out the Friday rumble of far off traffic and tuning into what else is there. It’s proving a challenge as the rumble feels significantly louder this morning. The birds do feel like they are up against it. So I sit here beneath the oak immersed in this mornings soundscape, reflecting on drumming to come, some needed clarity over the last few days around process ( Well mine ) and now a drive to make something of my experiences. Aldous Huxley writes :

“ Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”

The adventures, day to day reflections, interactions, connections, friendships and relationships. To shape something around my experiences in the past, here and now and the future. The part of ritual and the discipline of my intentionality cycle ; intention, curiosity, ritual, reality and now for me another phase to add to that reality, being the making something of my experiences ( Or perhaps it’s just another intention and the start of another cycle ) and then sharing these experiences. It feels a little all about me this morning, but I feel it’s the same for all of us. If that’s what we chose. Lovely days people.

“ I don’t really want to become normal, average, standard. I want merely to gain in strength, in the courage to live out my life more fully, enjoy more, experience more. I want to develop even more original and more unconventional traits. “ Anaïs Nin.

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