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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Long Grey Sigh

A wild wooly campervan morning this morning. The cold has gone to be replaced by wind and rain. The need for layer’s disappeared overnight to be replaced by raincoats and water proofs. A lull in the cold so to speak. Jini Reddy a Canadian writer calls the UK winter ambiguous :

“ At times a long, grey sigh or a drawn out ache, with occasional sharp pains to remind you of its bite “.

We have just come out of the bite and I sense a return to the ‘long grey sigh’. The wind is ripping through the trees, loosening what is left on the oak, both it and the ash bending at its will. It’s too dark to say what the cloud is up to, but I suspect it’s thick and heavy. The morning so far is summed up by the power of the wind, it’s roaring through the trees creating a real noise and then drops away to near silence. The birds are absent, though it is still dark. Light rain continues to fall, adding to the over night residue. A real stormy shift in the weather heralding the start of the week. The rain worsens driving me indoors to the van. So the week commences and the count down to the solstice and the shortest day soon to be upon us. The poet Margaret Atwood wrote of the solstice as :

“ … the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath, the door of a vanished house left ajar...”

Be gentle with yourself this week it’s gonna get crazy at some point. Lots of unfinished ends tend to come to a head and possibly time to set forth some intentions for the year ahead. Lovely days people.

“ Perhaps I am a bear, or some hibernating animal underneath, for the instinct to be half asleep all winter is so strong in me.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

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