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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Life is a process.

Good morning all, feels a tad warmer this campervan morning. The calm before a bit of a freeze settles in for a wee while. The Monday commuters are out in force. The faintest of moisture on the air, though I am surrounded by overnight dampness. Heavy dark grey clouds, the Oak is yellow and golden and slowly shedding. The occasional drop of accumulated rain falls on my head. The sounds of wood pigeon and smaller birds. Distant Crows in earnest conversation, calling out across trees and roof tops. Magpies in the air. It’s quite busy once more. I hope the light lifts a bit, theres been a few continuous dark days, a bit of light would be most welcome. The Squirrels are slow to start this morning and are notable by their absence. A quiet day yesterday, the thrill of putting up the Christmas tree and the chance to catch a few moments to read. I have stepped back into ‘Anam Cara ‘ as a 25th anniversary edition has dropped into my lap, as well as the diaries of Anais Nin and my measured progress through ‘A Christmas Carol’. Plans also finished for travel for a few days, just has the weather is about to turn colder. So measured excitement and a hint of end of year tiredness, which I am sure we are all at. We are all in states of flux or movement, sometimes forward, sometimes backwards, a constant work in progress or process and that’s how it feels. A sense today on reflecting on the year gone by and it’s foundation for the year ahead. Maria Popova quotes Anais Nin when she writes

“ Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.”

More a sense of stuckness than death in the traditional sense of the word. We are often faced in the counselling environment with ‘Stuckness’ both in ourselves, the work, as well as the client and a lot of that work is freeing us from that stuckness. That we are always people in process, growing and shaping our future or how we engage with our environment in the here and now and the future. Bit of ramble this morning, my thought processes are not quite clear enough, so it’s just a download. I thought about not posting, but changed my mind, a demonstration of stuckness just there. Hope that’s ok. Lovely days people.

“As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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