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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Leave the door open...

It says it’s minus 6, but feels warmer than that, here in suburbia, than up in the Lakes this campervan morning. The long drive back to the garden yesterday and here I am under the oak. She has shed about half her leaves in the time I have been away, the floor this morning a carpet of frost covered oak leaves. The sky a pale blue with a hint of white in the mix. The air is cold and still, the roar of the motorway fills the air. Blackbird singing in the Ash, a couple of crows stand guard in its very highest branches, I think waiting for the sun to break cover. A waning moon hangs in the western sky, playing peak a boo has it crosses and descends behind the Oak. Two blackbirds are down among the leaves, scattering them whilst hunting for food. Everything is covered in a deep crisp layer of frost and the cold is really grasping at fingers, face and nose. Reflecting on the few days away and the opportunity to get lost in nature, time and creativity. The connection between lost and creativity. The kind of flow that emerges when you are in that zone. Where I am when playing kit, or in a drum circle, or facilitating one, walking with a camera in hand, sitting observing nature, reading a good book, presenting or training people. It’s a zone I love to be in, I had noticed that I had lost that connection of late in the hubbub of life, so it was great to get behind the kit again and rediscover it, pick up a camera and rediscover it, walk in nature and get back in touch with it, read one of my fav books and rediscover it and me. They say by getting lost you find yourself and also that sense of actually you’re not lost you are where you are meant to be. It’s been an interesting few days reflecting on this and also instances in the last month or so where people have shown me on the journey to help me find the way. Lovely days people.

“ Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark. That’s where the most important things come from, where you yourself came from, and where you will go.” Rebecca Solnit.

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