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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Last Years Words...

A blowy, grey and damp campervan morning. It feels like the rain has not stopped since yesterday morning. Lighter than it has been it still persists and everywhere is sodden and damp. The sound is that of the pitter patter of light rain on roof and walls. The cloud is heavy and grey has is the light. A few birds have ventured out, the usual menagerie of crows, pigeons and a smattering of starlings all of whom however appear to have hunkered down waiting for the rain to pass. I sense they may have some wait. Warmer than I can recollect for a December. It’s hard to imagine on a day like today that we are meant to be in the midst of winter, that this is the season of cold, fires and retreat. I may of course regret that sentence and of course this is only my experience. I wonder if the easier, warmer weather encourages work, and busyness meaning the opportunity to recharge, that winter gave us, has gone and we continue to toil rather than rest. A later start, but the day feels slow already. An almost sluggishness to it that I was hoping to shake off with a walk. The rain means there is a quietness to the day, shaken only by the occasional unseen passing aeroplane. The gentle meander towards new year continues has the spectre of 2022 fades and the light of 2023 breaks the horizon. A year of unbelievable unfairness and injustice on a monumental scale that in some respects I am happy to lay it to rest. We are all subjects of time, regardless of our thoughts about it, it gives us our opportunities. For me, time to look back at the last year and celebrate the positives. The new friendships, the continuation of old ones, the adventures and experiences, the shifts and changes in perspective and life, but also have an awareness of my learnings and for all of this to inform my going forward. The next few days will be thoughts about the next year and adventures, experiences and friendships to come. T S Elliot wrote :

"For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."

So I am about creating endings and beginnings over the next few days. Creating shape for the beginning and saying goodbye to the endings. A bit of a meandering thought process, which is maybe a reflection of the weather, the indeterminable season or just where I am at. Lovely days people.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." C S Lewis.

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