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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Kindness and Courage.

Good morning to campervan morning 801. A mild, brighter morning and a wee bit later. The air is busy with birds, a couple of raucous magpies in the Ash, some starlings flitting in between it and the oak, gulls in the air calling out as they fly over and a myriad songs of the smaller birds. The starlings lift as one and dart away on a quick circuit, to return to the ash a few moments later. The background is the usual intrusive hum of the far off roads, which with a little effort can be tuned out. Surrounded by the usual dampness of the last few days, the earth sodden and saturated. There is the beginnings of a breeze building, which gives an edge to this once again unseasonably warm January morning. The sky is covered with shades of white and pink brushed clouds on a bright blue canvas. It’s lovely to see the sun after a few squally days and heavy cloud. So we’ve stepped over the threshold into the new year with resolutions clasped to our bosom and hopefully a spring in our step to wrestle with the year to come. I love the writing of Susan Sontag and after the last year we have had this feels really relevant and resonates deeply :

“ Kindness, kindness, kindness. I want to make a New year's prayer, not a resolution. I'm praying for courage.”

A few more days and the trees and lights will be down and the year will be in earnest. A tinge of sadness from me, as it’s one of my favourite times of the year and also one of excitement with what’s to come. I will be honest and hope for the return of some colder weather just to mark some form of seasonal rotation, that feels like it’s disappeared and turned into mush.

So a sense of coming into this year with kindness and courage. The courage to be kind and the courage to hold onto my word of the year ‘Hope’. The courage to give it energy and to let it take flight. One of favourite diarists Anais Nin writes “ Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” So a bit of a rallying cry for day two of the new year. One of kindness and courage and feeding our hopes. Lovely days people.

“ Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” Rumi.

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