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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

It has no taste.

I don’t know what’s going on this campervan morning, but it’s pretty quiet for a Friday in suburbia. The sound is just wind in the trees and some Magpie chatter. The cloud is heavy and grey once more, flowing away overhead. It’s still pretty warm despite the cloud and the breeze. The first sight of a Robin for a good long while flitting between the ash and lower branches of the oak, calling out its alarm call that there is a predator around, with replies coming back from elsewhere. A couple of crows visit the top of the ash. There has been a dearth of bird activity of late so their return is welcome. A few far away cars on the roads, but on the whole pretty peaceful this morning. Reflecting on a full day of drumming yesterday and the families, couples and individuals that swept through the circles, filling the air with beats, discovering their rhythms, connecting with themselves, each other, those around them and having a wee bit of fun too. The post circle conversations, revelations, smiles and acknowledgments as people leave or return. I love the part of the circle where people are desperate to share with you their experience, like they really can’t contain it, they need to let you know how they are feeling at that moment, the impact the circle or drumming has had on them. A shift, a break through, an experiment, a smile that and they want to share with each other and often with me. Watching the conversations as people leave the circle. I love Charlotte Brontë when she wrote :

“ Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.”

Part of the work is creating that space, that opportunity for people to share their happiness, their experience for me to listen and to give their experience a taste as Bronte put it. So much of the work is listening, not just to the circle, in the circle, but the importance of sharing afterwards.

And now the antithesis of that this morning, the unfolding of nature and the quiet of its manifesting. The Robins song has changed from alarm to singing and the day is unfolding. So give someones happiness a taste today. Lovely days people.

“ You create the realities you inhabit.” Timothy Leary.

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