A thick frost on the ground this dry and chilly campervan morning and a first Saturday check in for over a month. A blackbird totally unfazed by my presence rummages through the leaves and undergrowth flicking foliage left and right on it’s morning hunt, casting an occasional gaze in my direction before returning to their work. It’s a cold one, really nipping at fingers this morning, a firm grasp on the coffee cup for some residual warmth is the order of the morning. Though the cup is going cold way to quickly. I can hear a distant woodpecker as well as the to-ing and fro-ing of sparrow conversation, a smattering of starlings sit in the highest branches of the Ash. A Robin flutters into view and begins their hunt under leaves and grass. There is a white frosty light in the air and a heavy carpet of white cloud above me, with the faintest of breaks allowing a glimpse of pale blue. It’s fairly quiet except for the occasional passing car, no morning drone. A quiet start to the weekend. Contemplating and prepping for a day of drumming ahead and spending a few moments before stepping into the grey of the day. I have spent some time working, writing and reflecting on the grey. The grey of improvised music making, working with audiences that you never know the make up, their abilities, what they bring with them, their history, their fears or their enthusiasm. All this grey comes together in one place in one moment. Peoples black and white challenged, they can be creative, they can play an instrument and they can make music. So there is a part of me that is an active challenger of other peoples black and white, pulling them into the grey. So today is once more about introducing people to the grey, pushing the boundaries of their black and white. The short story writer Brian Andreas talks of paying no attention to boundaries, in the areas of the self and our development. That’s the thing about boundaries they shift and change, move and development, fall and are built. Some stay forever unchallenged and others are cast aside. Much more to be written, but time is against me and some days, or in fact most days I should take my own advice. Lovely days people.
“ We can't connect with someone unless we're clear about where we end and they begin.”
Brené Brown.
