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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Improv, Expression and Life.

A heavy blanket of white cloud spins over head this campervan morning. The air is fresh A single Magpie squawks out in the top of the oak, the Starlings appear to prefer the ash. The sound of unseen gulls and geese in the distance. A dull grey heaviness to the light, though it’s warmer than it has been. Contemplating the bringing together of people to drum and make music this afternoon. So thoughts around preparation, checks and balances. The part of my job that I love dearly. I may have shared this before, but the part of me that takes a space, fills it with chairs, drums and percussion, total strangers gather together pick up these instruments and we make music together. I love this written by Yehudi Menuhin :

“ Improvisation is the expression of the accumulated yearnings, dreams, and wisdom of the soul.”

And also the great Louis Armstrong :

“ What we play is life “

That’s what we do there are no wrong notes only right ones, no music sheets and no keys to worry about. We become a community and we listen, we play, we contribute, we make allowances, we create dialogue, communication and connection. We celebrate, we express, we encourage and we breathe. There are no leader just us and the music. We expect the unexpected. We forget what is going on for the hour or so that we are together and then at the close we step back into the world. And that is the end of the advertising for todays circle. Lovely days people.

“ More of me comes out when I improvise “ Edward Hopper.

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