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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


A later start, a few domestics have mean’t there has been a need to rest, but here we are as I say a little later, coffee on and ready to go. After a few dreary days the sun is finally out and endeavouring to dry the rain of the last few days. An August chill sits in the air, but there is something to be said for a later start. It’s brighter the sky blue and cloudless, the air clearer and road sounds much reduced. That could also be helped by the mass exodus of people heading for their holiday destinations. The village always seems quieter in August. The oak and the ash, bright in the sunshine hang listless. Sounds of aeroplanes and a single magpie on the air. A few sparrows on eaves and fence posts, distant gull cries once more. The air around the oak is awash with insects this morning. A busy view domestic days means no time to be, so grabbing a few moment in the later morning, before it all starts again. Learning the meaning, the existence and sometimes non - existence of patience over the last few days. A test of the self, which I sometimes past and other times failed over the last 48hours, but as Janette Oke says :

“ Impatience can cause wise people to do foolish things.”

It’s been a supreme test for me and much to reflect on this morning. It’s funny how much these tests reveal about your true self. The rough parts, the parts that are kept well hidden, rarely seen or experienced, light shining on the darker side of ourselves, the shadow, as Jung would put it. The historic baggage we carry, the ingrained learned behaviours that manifest some times just for seconds and other times for longer. An opportunity now to at least acknowledge them and reflect on them too. Seems no matter how much work, one does on one self, there is always more to do.

An opportunity here to also thank the amazing nurses, doctors, porters and staff of the fabulous NHS, despite the consistent attempts to destroy it by the Tories. Despite corridors full of beds, waiting rooms crowded with people, people sitting on the floor, spilling out onto other waiting areas they worked bloody hard and brilliantly. If you are considering voting Tory, get a grip of yourself.

Gearing up for a full days drumming tomorrow, sorting and prepping. It promises to be a warm and sunny day so much excitement is anticipated. Lovely days people.

“ When you wear the weed of impatience in your heart instead of the flower Acceptance-with-Joy, you will always find your enemies get an advantage over you.” Hannah Hurnard.

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