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  • raywatters


Bright light accompanied by a blanket of high white cloud this campervan morning. A wee breeze with a bit of a chill on it. Buds finally starting to appear on the tips of the branches of the oak, the ash already leafing. A Blackbird once again making pronouncements from its highest branches, replies coming from the distance. The smaller birds are busy foraging, I can just about pick out the song of a great tit as well as a Robin. A pair of magpies dart through the scene briefly, before disappearing eastwards. No sign of the starlings, though it is a little later this morning. The Bees are busy around the early spring flowers. The traffic is rumbling in the distance and the occasional overhead plane disturbs the relative pronouncements of nature. Here comes the rain, but it’s light and manageable at the moment. I came across a short film yesterday around the power of creativity to inspire a person to turn and change their journey and life around having hit a very difficult place. For that person to have changed when they came in contact with and opened themselves to creativity. Einstein wrote that ;

“ Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

The twin towers of creativity and imagination to change things around. I have been lucky enough to have witnessed some of this in the drum circles and trainings that I have been fortunate to lead and be involved with. To witness the essence of people change when they come into contact with their creativity. I for one am a prime example of life changing events having come into contact with creativity and imagination, completely changing my course, my direction as well as my life. I have witnessed people come alive in drum circles and open up to their own creativity. I sometimes take my job so for granted. It was a useful reminder of the importance of imagination and creativity in my life and also the impact I can have on others. Taking me me back to a previous blog on “ How do I have to be, for another person to be free.” As part of my work on creativity and counselling I came across ‘ Creative Recovery ‘ by Maisel and Raeburn, who finished their journey with these suggestions to maintain your creative recovery :

1. Daily plan / schedule you creative efforts 2. Have a creative project in place to work on, that you can commit to and finish. 3. Keep an abundance model in mind. Picture a lifetime of work, rather than isolated works. 4. Embrace the reality of making mistakes. 5. Love your creative work. 6. Pay attention to three distinct aspects of creative life. Yourself, Your work and Your world you are in. 7. Be convinced that what you are doing as a creative person matters.

Self care Sunday so do something for yourself today. Lovely days people.

“ Whatever you have Is exactly what you need to produce your best work “. Bayles & Orland.

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